Category Archives: Influencer Marketing

Digital MarketingInfluencer MarketingOnline MarketingSEOseo servicesSocial Media Marketing
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Digital Marketing for Fashion E-commerce Brands – Making Online Business Profitable

Today e-commerce websites have managed to capture the majority segment of the market. More and more people have started switching towards e-commerce platforms over the physical store. Even for fashion and lifestyle products, people are preferring online over offline which has led to the rising of many new fashion e-commerce platforms all around the world over the last decade....
Influencer Marketing
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How Influencer Marketing can boost your Brand visibility and exposure

Today’s influencers are the people who have command over a specific portion of the crowd on social media. We are way past those days when big deal celebrities and film stars were the only influencers for the company because today our society knows that these brand ambassadors don’t know a thing about the product that they are promoting, so people have switched to the one who knows and they are influencers...